INTERVERSE ┃ Divine Journey 2 - 24/7 ┃ Chill & Long-term Icon

INTERVERSE ┃ Divine Journey 2 - 24/7 ┃ Chill & Long-term

This post is for long-term and chill players who wants enjoy an good pack. But you are not required to have experience for this modpack.

Information about server

  • Server launched at 29 July 2024 and will be supported lifetime. We had 8 more servers before but due to inactivity and financial problems ( also my personal life ) servers closed. Now I had enough money to support a new server atleast 5 years so don't worry.

  • We allocated 24GB rams for now but we can allocate more if we need it.

  • Claiming and other commands enabled. ( /home, /rtp etc... )

  • Server based between EU and NA.

In-game rules & maturity

  • We expect every player to act mature and read the rules from discord server. Remember discord and server rules are not the same!

➥ No griefing / stealing.

➥ No unfair advantages e.g. cheating, xray.

➥ No duping.

➥ No spawn kill / abusing PvP. (e.g. you can't kill or PvP with someone without asking until he accept )

➥ Spamming is forbidden

Note from owner: I expect people to enjoy this pack slowly because it is a large modpack. In case we will only consider questbook finishers as completor and successor in discord server.

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

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