Age of Power LOTR Icon

Age of Power LOTR

We use a different modpack named LOTR Age of Power you can find this on the technic launcher its Pve/PvP 

Age of Power


⟿About Age of Power:

"Welcome weary traveler! Join us and create your own character as you forge your own adventure in the vast world of Middle Earth! Join whatever race you so choose within whatever Kingdom you so desire and build, travel, adventure, fight, and most of all enjoy the world of Tolkien's Legendarium."


⟿Some Things We Offer:

✯ Character Freedom and Faction Choices!

✯ Fun Events for the entire server such as raids, sieges, relic hunts, etc!

✯ Self-Promotion!

✯ Partnerships!

✯ Peaceful Wanderer Roles!

✯ Lore based characters such as Elrond, Aragorn, Gandalf, Sauron, etc!

✯ A fun and fair atmosphere!

✯ Open to suggestions!


⟿Partnership Reqs:

✯ Must be SFW

✯ Must be non-toxic

✯ Must not support hate or intolerance

✯ No Member Requirement

✯ No Activity Requirement

✯ No Invite Rewards


Come join Age of Power. We promise you will enjoy your stay.

Hope to see you there! 🙂 


Server invite:


Technic Pack:

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

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