ATM 9 - 0.3.0 Icon

ATM 9 - 0.3.0

This is a public ATM 9 server with the goal of giving players 4 weeks to finish all quests in the modpack. There is no skill requirement.

Each person is given:

  - 1 Forceloaded Chunk

  - 5 Chunk Claims

Teams are given a max of:

  - 5 Forceloaded Chunks

  - 30 Chunk Claims

First Team to Complete the Modpack Wins!

For questions please reach out on discord at atalefortwo / 121134518076702721

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

Nickname (max 100 players) Number of votes cast within the current month
No votes this month yet