The SquidMiners Valhelsia 3 Server Icon

The SquidMiners Valhelsia 3 Server

Welcome to the SquidMiners Valhelsia 3 modpack server! Equipped with over 200 Mods, the latest tech, magic, and building mods we all know and love. Log in and make your claim, build your home, make new friends, and enjoy your stay in this PvE modded server!



We have over 200 Mods but here's a few of our favorites:

-Alex's Mobs
-Astral Sorcery
-Better End
-Biomes o' Plenty
-Blood Magic
-Blue Skies
-Forbidden and Arcanus
-Immersive Engineering
-Industrial Foregoing
-Refined Storage
-The Twilight Forest

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

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