KappaNetwork ATM9 Icon

KappaNetwork ATM9


KappaNetwork started off as just a PO3 server under the name KappaSkies. It has now become a multi-modpack network with a focus on larger/harder modpacks. We currently feature All the Mods9 and Project Ozone 3: Mythic Mode. We plan to continue expanding the network with more and more packs as time goes on.

Some of our features include:
-Vote Rewards & Crates
-Playtime Ranks
-Point shop to earn more perks
-Chunk loading (Online & Offline)
-Scheduled Dimension resets (Non-Overworld)
-Active player base and staff
-Daily Quests
-Auction House
-Admin Shop
-Few Banned Items
-Community Discord with MC chat integration and much more!

Direct IPs:
atm9.kappanetwork.cc (All the Mods 9)
po3.kappanetwork.cc (Project Ozone 3)

Feel free to join our discord for more information: discord.kappanetwork.cc
You can also check out our website: www.kappanetwork.cc

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

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